Friday, February 18, 2011

Mission Statement

I thought for my first post I should create a short mission statement, a few words to describe the purpose of this blog. is created with the intention of being a place for open dialogue and freedom of expression on all kinds of topics. I will post on anything from current events, to politics, to technology, to the plain stupid; amusing; and ridiculous. Regardless of the topic I hope that this will be a place where people can find out something useful, entertain themselves, and also add their own input to the discussions. Please let me know if there's something on here that you like, and also let me know if there's anything I can improve. Thanks for your participation and support!


  1. Thanks for informing me about your blog. I think it is a good idea. It is a place where ideas can be shared. You shared a lot of info during the egypt crisis. A lot can be shared here.

  2. Thanks Taiwo! That's certainly the plan. I'm glad you enjoyed the blog and I hope to get your input on my posts here as much as I do on my facebook page. If you like, you can follow this blog oon facebook or twitter.


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